Category: cholula
Learn cholula - Recipes
  1. Chorizo And Chard Pie - made pie crust

    Ingredients 1 ready made pie crust1/2 pound raw pork chorizo1 large onion, sliced4 cloves garlic, minced1 large head swiss chard, washed, chopped and deveined1 tablespoon unsalted butter1 tablespoon all-purpose...Learn More
    made pie crustpork chorizoonion
  2. Progressive Roasted Wheat White Chili - beans

    Ingredients 1 cup dry navy beans1 cup soft white wheat berries32 ounces vegetable stock, plus more at the end if needed1 poblano pepper8-10 tomatillos, depending on sizeNeutral flavored oil (I used corn oil)1/2...Learn More
    beanswhite wheat berriesvegetable stock
  3. Savory Scones - flour

    Ingredients 3 cups Flour1/4 cups Sugar4 teaspoons Baking Powder1 teaspoon Baking Soda1 teaspoon Salt6 Tablespoons Cold Butter, Cut Into Pieces1 cup Buttermilk5 dashes Hot Sauce, Such As Tapatio Or Cholula1 cup ...Learn More
    floursugarbaking powder