Category: Chimichurri
Learn Chimichurri - Recipes
  1. Chimichurri Hasselback Potatoes - Chimichurri

    Ingredients FOR THE CHIMICHURRI:1/2 cup olive oil1/2 cup cilantro, finely chopped1/3 cup flat leafed parsley, finely chopped4 whole fresh garlic cloves, minced1/2 whole fresh lime, juiced1/4 cup red wine vinega...Learn More
    Chimichurriolive oilcilantro
  2. Turkey Meatballs With Chimichurri - turkey meatballs

    Ingredients Turkey Meatballs2 pounds ground turkey (I use half dark)3/4 cup panko breadcrumbs1-2 eggs3 scallions, thinly chopped1 teaspoon salt1 teaspoon black pepperDash rushed red pepperChimichurri1 bunch par...Learn More
    turkey meatballsground turkeybreadcrumbs