Category: cabernet
Learn cabernet - Recipes
  1. St. Francis Winery-Style Pancetta - whole black peppercorns

    Ingredients 1 tablespoon whole black peppercorns1 pinch grated nutmeg1 dash red pepper flakes7 small juniper berries6 tablespoons kosher salt6 pounds pork belly, skin off2 tablespoons chopped garlic1/4 cup St. ...Learn More
    whole black peppercornsnutmegred pepper
  2. Chef EdS Famous Shortribs - vegetable oil

    Ingredients 2 T vegetable oil, or more if necessary8 "English cut" meaty shortribs2 carrots, pealed and chopped2 celery stalks, chopped2 onions, chopped8 shallots, chopped1 T tomato paste1/4 c flour1 head garli...Learn More
    vegetable oilshortribscarrots
  3. Spicy Shrimp with Garlic-Almond Sauce - garlic

    Ingredients 8 garlic cloves, peeled2 jalapenos, preferably red, halved and seeded1 large tomato, halved1/2 cup whole blanched almonds1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil2 tablespoons Cabernet or red wine vinegarSalt ...Learn More
  4. Porcini & Cabernet Meatloaf - porcini mushrooms

    Ingredients 2 ounces dried porcini mushrooms1/2 cup cabernet2 eggs, beaten1/2 cup milk2 slices whole wheat bread1 clove garlic3 thick slices good quality bacon1 pound ground beef1 pound ground pork1 pound groun...Learn More
    porcini mushroomscaberneteggs