Category: shortribs
Learn shortribs - Recipes
  1. Chef EdS Famous Shortribs - vegetable oil

    Ingredients 2 T vegetable oil, or more if necessary8 "English cut" meaty shortribs2 carrots, pealed and chopped2 celery stalks, chopped2 onions, chopped8 shallots, chopped1 T tomato paste1/4 c flour1 head garli...Learn More
    vegetable oilshortribscarrots
  2. German Style Vegetable Soup - shortribs

    Ingredients 3 lb. shortribs or beef cubes2 large onions, chopped6 to 8 stalks celery, chopped1/2 tsp. salt1/2 tsp. pepper1 large head cabbage, chopped1 lb. carrots, sliced8 medium potatoes, peeled and cubed1 (2...Learn More
    shortribsonionsstalks celery