Category: butternut flavor
Learn butternut flavor - Recipes
  1. Georgia Pound Cake - butter

    Ingredients 3 sticks butter2 1/2 c. sugar3 c. cake flour8 eggs1 1/2 tsp. cream of tartar1 tsp. vanilla1 tsp. butternut flavor*MethodCream butter.Add sugar; cream well.Beat together eggs and cream of tartar.Alte...Learn More
    buttersugarcake flour
  2. Sweet Potato Pie - crust

    Ingredients 1 (9-inch) pie crust2 c. cooked sweet potato1 stick butter2 eggs1/2 c. sweet milk1 1/4 c. sugar1/2 tsp. vanilla flavor1/2 tsp. butternut flavor1/2 c. chopped pecansMethodDrain potatoes and pour into...Learn More
    crustcooked sweet potatobutter