Category: banana squash
Learn banana squash - Recipes
  1. Peruvian Lamb Soup - water

    Ingredients 2 quarts water1 pound lean lamb bones, neck or shank1 bunch fresh cilantro1 cup red bell pepper1 onion, quartered4 cloves garlic2 tablespoons olive oil1 cup dark beer3 carrots, sliced3 stalks celery...Learn More
    waterneckfresh cilantro
  2. Pork and Root Vegetables Burritos with Chili Colorado - ancho chilies

    Ingredients 3 ounces dried ancho chilies* (about 6 large), stemmed, seeded2 pounds red bell peppers2/3 cup canned low-salt chicken broth6 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro2 tablespoons minced garlic1 tablespoo...Learn More
    ancho chiliesred bell pepperschicken broth
  3. Baked Banana Squash - banana squash

    Ingredients 6 pieces banana squashapproximately 4 to 6 Tbsp. melted butter6 Tbsp. brown sugarnutmegMethodCut squash pieces into about 4 x 6-inch pieces.Brush melted butter evenly inside part of the squash.Sprin...Learn More
    banana squashbutterbrown sugar