Category: Al
Learn Al - Recipes
  1. Chicken and Apricot Tagine - chicken

    Ingredients 1- 1/2 pound Skinless, Boneless Chicken Breast Or Thighs2 Tablespoons Vegetable Oil1 whole Onion, Diced1 clove Garlic, Finely Chopped2 pinches Crushed Red Pepper Flakes1 teaspoon Ground Ginger1 teas...Learn More
    chickenvegetable oilonion
  2. Peppery Arugula Pesto - arugula

    Ingredients 4 cups Packed Arugula1/2 cups Toasted Walnuts, Roughly Chopped6 whole Colves Of Garlic Crushed1/2 cups Grated Parmesan Cheese1 teaspoon Salt1 teaspoon Pepper3/4 cups Olive Oil1 pound Linguini Cooked...Learn More