
  • l-1/2 lb. Large shrimp shells on
  • 3 lbs. mussels
  • 3 lbs. clams
  • 2 1-1/2lb. lobsters
  • 2 2" thick Halibut Steaks (skin on and bone in)
  • 1/2 tspn. Saffron
  • 4 cups water (Use cooked lobster water)
  • l cup white wine (dry)
  • bouquet garni (3 shallots skin on, several sprigs parsley, l cove garlic skin on)
  • crusty toasted Italian/French bread
  • garlic mayonnaise
  • l medium tomato seeded/peeled and diced into small pieces
  • 2 fresh egg yolks
  • 1/2 cup olive oil (not extra virgin
  • 1/2 canola oil
  • salt/pepper
  • 2 tblspns fresh parsley chopped for garnish


  • In a large stock pot with boiling water place your twwo lobsters in and cover and cook for 10 minutes. Save the liquid. Let lobsters cool and split them lenght wise. Put on the side. In another stock pot place 4 cups of Lobster liquid (reserve the rest) add your wine and your bouquet garni with the shrimp shells and the skin from the fish and the bones. Also add saffron and bring to a gentle boil reduce the heat and skim the top of any foam simmer for 20 minutes. Strain liquid and add to a large frying pan. Bring liquid to a simmer and add your Halibut cut into 3" cubes let cook about 3 minutes. Next add your mussels and clams when they begin to open add your chopped tomato pieces and next add the split lobster. Last but not lest add your shrimp. Once the shell fish is open and the lobster is cooked thru your your meal is ready. Any shell fish that does not open disgard.
  • Garlic Mayonnaise:
  • 2 large fresh organic egg yolks
  • 2 cloves garlic minced fine
  • salt
  • l teaspoon lemon juice freshly squeezed
  • 1/2 cup olive oil
  • 1/2 cup canola oil
  • I use a blender or food processor for this. combine ingredients excepts for olive oil. Drizzle in a little at a time when mixture is creamy it is done. adjust seasoning. and serve on toasted Italian/french bread.