
  • 2 fresh yeast cakes
  • 2 shredded wheat biscuits
  • 1 cup scalded milk
  • 1 cup lukewarm water
  • 12 cup molasses
  • 3 teaspoons shortening
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 5 tablespoons packed brown sugar
  • 6 cups flour (approx)
  • 1 cup raisins (optional)


  • Crumble shredded wheat and add molasses, shortening, salt and brown sugar.
  • Combine scalded milk and lukewarm water and let stand until it becomes lukewarm.
  • Pour over shredded wheat mixture.
  • Dissolve the 2 yeast cakes in 1/2 cup lukewarm water.
  • Add to other ingredients.
  • Add flour.
  • Flour measurement is just approx, as neither my mother nor I have ever measured it when making bread - we go by the "feel" of it.
  • NOTE: If adding raisins, lightly flour them first and add them after a bit of flour has been beaten into the batter, but not all of it.
  • This recipe can be easily doubled, however DO NOT increase the amount of yeast.
  • IMPORTANT: This bread needs to rise TWICE before being placed in the pans to rise a 3rd time.
  • Punch down.
  • Let rise a 2nd time.
  • Punch down again and form into 2 loaves and place into greased and floured bread forms.
  • Let rise again until doubled.
  • Bake in a preheated 350 oven until hollow when tapped on the bottom.