
  • 1 1/4 lbs mixed soft fruit (red-currants, raspberries, blackberries, cherries)
  • 2 1/2 cups water
  • 8 ounces sugar (caster or superfine)
  • vanilla essence, to taste
  • 2 ounces potato flour
  • 4 tablespoons sweet white wine
  • whipped cream
  • slivered almonds, to serve


  • Wash and pick over the fruit, then crush the fruit with a fork.
  • Place fruit in a pan with the water, bring slowly to the boil; remove from heat and leave to cool for 15 minutes.
  • Pass fruit through a fine sieve, return the juice to the pan, add the sugar and vanilla essence, bring to the boil.
  • Measure the liquid and, if necessary, make up to 3 cups with water.
  • Blend the potato flour with the wine, stir into the juice and simmer until thickened; spoon into glasses and sprinkle with caster sugar.
  • Decorate with whipped cream and almonds.