
  • 2 pounds Sugar Pie Pumpkin
  • 20 Brussels Sprouts
  • 3 Tablespoons Grape Seed Oil
  • 1/2 teaspoons Salt
  • 1/4 teaspoons Nutmeg
  • 1/4 teaspoons Ground Chipotle Pepper
  • 1 head Radicchio
  • 8 ounces, weight Farfalle Pasta
  • 1/2 cups Walnuts
  • 6 Tablespoons Unsalted Butter
  • 1/2 teaspoons Sage
  • 1 cup Gruyere Cheese


  • Preheat the oven to 400 F. Halve, seed and peel the pumpkins and cut into approximately 1/2-inch cubes and put the cubes in a large bowl.
  • Peel the outer leaves from the Brussels sprouts, trim off the stalky ends and halve each of them and add them to the bowl.
  • Toss the pumpkin cubes and halved Brussels sprouts with 2 tablespoons of the oil, salt, nutmeg and chipotle pepper.
  • Spread evenly on a sheet pan and roast for 25 minutes, stirring/flipping the vegetables once during cooking time.
  • When done remove the pan from the oven and set it aside for a moment.
  • Peel the outer leaves from the radicchio then quarter it, remove the hard core and chop into roughly 1-inch pieces.
  • Toss with remaining 1 tablespoon of oil.
  • Evenly spread the radicchio over the roasted pumpkin and Brussels sprouts, and return to the 400 F oven.
  • Continue roasting for 8 more minutes.
  • Meanwhile, heat water to cook pasta.
  • While veggies are roasting and water is heating, heat a skillet over medium heat and toast the walnuts for about 8 minutes, shaking the pan occasionally to evenly toast.
  • Remove the walnuts to a bowl to cool, lower the heat to medium-low, and add the 6 tablespoons of butter to the pan.
  • Melt the butter, swirling the pan occasionally and continue cooking until the butter is a deep golden brown color (being careful not to burn it).
  • Once butter is browned, stir in the sage and season with salt.
  • Remove pan from heat.
  • Cook pasta according to package directions.
  • When its done drain it and return it to the pot.
  • Toss the pasta with the roasted vegetables and the sage browned butter.
  • Serve topped with toasted walnuts and freshly grated Gruyere cheese.
  • This recipe was inspired by the Pumpkin Pasta in Thyme Browned Butter at