
  • 1 cup red lentils
  • 1 yellow onion large, diced
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
  • 1 teaspoon mustard seed
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon fennel
  • 1 tablespoon curry powder
  • 1 teaspoon ground turmeric
  • 1 teaspoon ground cumin
  • 1 teaspoon chili powder
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 1 tablespoon brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon garlic minced
  • 1 teaspoon ginger root minced
  • 2 tomatoes large red, chopped
  • 1/4 cup tomato puree


  • Wash the lentils in cold water until the water runs clear (this is very important or the lentils will get "scummy"), put the lentils in a medium sized pot with water to cover and simmer until lentils tender. This should take 10-15 minutes.
  • While the lentils are cooking: In a large skillet or saucepan, caramelize the onions in vegetable oil.
  • While the onions are cooking, combine the mustard seed, cinnamon, fennel, curry powder, turmeric, cumin, chili powder, salt, sugar, garlic, and ginger in a mixing bowl. Mix well. When the onions are cooked, add the curry mixture to the onions and cook over a high heat stirring constantly for 1 to 2 minutes.
  • Stir in the tomatoes and tomato puree and reduce heat, allow the curry base to simmer until the lentils are ready. When the lentils are tender drain them briefly (they should have absorbed most of the water but you don't want the curry to be too sloppy). Mix the curry base into the lentils and serve immediately.