
  • 2 garlic cloves (finely chopped)
  • 3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1 handful of chopped coriander (I added about 2 tablespoons but add as little or as much as you prefer)
  • 1/4 tsp chilli oil (or any hot sauce, chilli powder or even fresh chilli's, add more or less)
  • 8 small potatoes
  • 1/2 chicken stock cube or fish if using the sauce on fish (Optional)
  • 1 tbsp whiskey (add more to suit your taste)
  • 2 tbsp Beer (add more to suit your taste)


  • Peel the potatoes and cut in half.
  • Next boil the potatoes as normal with a pinch of salt in the water.
  • Normally takes about 12-15 from boiling point to cook.
  • In the meantime start making the sauce.
  • Heat the olive oil in a frying pan on a medium heat.
  • Add the garlic to the pan and lightly fry for a minute.
  • Reduce temperature to low and add the chilli, salt, stock cube (crumble into the pan with your fingers), whiskey and beer.
  • Simmer down for 3-4 minutes (less time required if you prefer the sauce thinner).
  • Stir often.
  • Add the chopped coriander.
  • Cook between 1-2 minutes.
  • Stirring often.
  • Remove from the heat and set aside.
  • When potatoes are done drain well.
  • Pour the sauce over the potatoes, mix well and serve.