
  • 6 sheets phyllo pastry
  • 1/2 cup butter, melted
  • 2/3 cup slivered almonds
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar, divided
  • 3/4 cup orange juice (no pulp, strain if necesary!)
  • 4 peaches, ripe
  • icing sugar, for dusting
  • cooking spray


  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Spray eight 1-cup muffin tins with cooking spray.
  • Cut each sheet of filo pastry into 8 squares.
  • Line each of the 8 muffin tin cups with 3 squares of filo pastry, brushing butter in between each layer and on the top, overlapping the sheets at different angles.
  • Combine the almonds, cinnamon, and 1/4 cup brown sugar in a small bowl; sprinkle over each of the 8 pastry cups.
  • Top each one with the 3 more squares of pastry, with butter in between each layer and continue to overlap the sheets at different angles.
  • Bake for 10 to 15 minutes until golden.
  • Meanwhile, in a small saucepan, dissolve the remaining 1/4 cup brown sugar in the orange juice; bring to a boil; reduce heat and simmer.
  • Halve the peaches and slice thinly (you can peel them or not - your preference).
  • Add the peaches to the syrup and stir gently to coat them; simmer for 2 or 3 minutes.
  • Remove the pastry "flowers" from the muffin tins, and with a slotted spoon, remove the peaches from the syrup and distribute evenly in the "flowers".
  • Drizzle remaining syrup over them; dust with icing sugar.
  • Serve with whipped cream or ice cream if you like!