Download Oven-roasted sardines with fennel and garlicky crumbs - Seafood
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  • 100g stale sourdough bread, crusts off
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 garlic cloves, crushed
  • Sea salt and pepper
  • 1 fennel, trimmed and finely sliced
  • 8 or more sardines, about 180g each
  • 100g black olives, unpitted
  • 400g cherry tomatoes, halved
  • 100ml dry white wine
  • 2 tbsp parsley leaves


Heat oven to 200C. Tear bread into crumbly bits. Heat oil and garlic in a small pan, add breadcrumbs, salt and pepper and gently fry, tossing well, until bread starts to crisp.

Arrange fennel on the base of large oiled baking pan and arrange sardines in a single layer on top. Scatter with olives and tomatoes. Add wine, strew garlicky crumbs over the top and bake for 20 minutes until sardines are cooked through and crumbs are golden. Scatter with parsley and pepper, drizzle with extra olive oil and serve with a leafy green salad.

If you don't have cherry tomatoes, roughly chop two large tomatoes and use instead.