
  • 4 boneless skinless chicken breast halves
  • 1 cup green olives in brine
  • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter
  • 14 cup whole almond, with skins
  • 2 tablespoons chopped flat leaf parsley
  • 12 cup dry white wine or 3 tablespoons water


  • 'Scotch' the olives by smashing them with the side of a large knife and remove the pit, then finely chop them.
  • Using a paring knife, cut a deep, narrow pocket in each breast by inserting the knife into the thick end and wiggling the knife back a forth a bit.
  • Stuff 1 1/2 tsp of olives into each breast, trying to evenly distribute throughout the pocket.
  • Reserve remaining olives.
  • Season chicken with pepper only.
  • Melt 1 tbsp butter in a 12" nonstick pan.
  • When the foam just subsides, add the whole almonds and toast--stirring frequently and observantly, they burn easily--until they darken a few shades ~5 minutes.
  • Using slotted spoon, remove almonds from pan and cool, leaving as much butter as possible in the pan.
  • Add chicken breasts to same pan and sprinkle with remaining olives.
  • Cook uncovered, turning once until almost done about 6 minutes per side.
  • While chicken cooks, chop almonds.
  • When chicken is almost done, deglaze the pan with the wine (or water) and add the parsley and remaining butter.
  • If using wine, reduce sauce slightly, then add almonds to pan and season with pepper as desired.
  • Serve chicken topped with sauce.