Categories:Viewed: 49 - Published at: 6 years ago


  • 800 grams plain flour
  • 1 envelope instant dried yeast (7g)
  • 1 1/2 tsp sea salt
  • 500 ml water
  • 3 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 few sprigs of fresh rosemary
  • 2 tsp coarse salt


  • Put flour in a big bowl and put the yeast on one side and the salt on the opposite side of the bowl (salt "kills" the yeast).
  • Pour in the olive oil and water warmed to body temperature
  • Tip the mixture on a well floured table and knead for 10 min, adding flour if the dough sticks (but keep in mind that adding too much flour will yield in a tough and chewy bread)
  • Put the dough in an oiled bowl and let it rise in a warm place for 1h30, covered with a kitchen towel
  • Dough should have doubled in size by now.
  • Punch back the dough and put it in a big greased baking pan (or two smaller pans), flatten it with your hands, cover with the towel and leave to rise for 30 min in a warm room
  • Then, press the risen dough with your fingertips and add halved olives, coarse salt and fresh rosemary on top.
  • Drizzle with additional olive oil
  • Bake for 40 min in a 180C oven.
  • Then brush again with olive oil and leave to cool.
  • Enjoy :)