
  • 1 Octopus about 1 kilogram.
  • 30 grams Grape seed oil
  • 1 Large onion finely diced.
  • 1 Garlic ear sliced.
  • 10 Black peppercorns
  • 1 tablespoon Sugar
  • 1 tablespoon White miso paste
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • 40 grams Toasted and crushed sunflower seeds
  • 2 tablespoons Crushed Pink peppercorns.
  • 3 cm piece ginger, crushed.
  • 50 grams Soy sauce


  • Turn on oven at 160 degrees celsius Wash and dry octopus. Place in backing tray without adding anything. Wrap foil around the tray a few times, to completely seal the octopus. Cook for 90 minutes.
  • In a pan, warm half the oil and cook the onion. Add the garlic, ginger and peppercorns.
  • Pour the soy sauce, sugar, miso, lemon, and stir or whisk until it boils and the miso has dissolved.
  • Take off the heat, let it cool a bit and pour in a blender. Blend util there are no pieces.
  • Drain octopus from its water, and cut in three. (There will be a lot of water when cooed). Oil the octopus with the rest of the oil, and place under a hot grill for 6 minutes each side.
  • Dip immediately in the warmed sauce and arrange on plate. Sprinkle the nuts and pink peppercorns on top.