Categories:Viewed: 79 - Published at: 9 years ago


  • 400 g unbleached white bread flour
  • 1/2 T. fine sea salt, rounded
  • 1/4 t. instant yeast
  • 300 g warm water
  • 2 T. extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 T. honey (substitute golden syrup for vegan)
  • flour and/or semolina for working the dough


  • In a large bowl, combine flour, salt, and yeast until well incorporated. In a separate bowl combine warm water, extra virgin olive oil, and honey until honey is completely dissolved. Stir liquid ingredients into dry ingredients until all dry ingredients are incorporated. Cover bowl and allow to rest for 12-24 hours at room temperature.
  • Prepare a floured work surface and a pastry cloth well-dusted with flour or semolina.
  • Turn dough out onto floured surface, dust well with flour, and then quickly and gently press the dough flat and lightly stretch it out. Fold the dough over in thirds in both dimensions, forming a ball, and gently work it into a boule shape. Place dough seam side down on pastry cloth, dust well with flour or semolina. Fold cloth over dough, and allow to rise for 1-2 hours.
  • One hour before dough is finished rising, place a cast iron Dutch Oven with cover into a cold oven and preheat oven to 450 deg F. Allow at least one half hour after oven comes to full temperature to ensure Dutch Oven is fully heated.
  • Quickly remove Dutch Oven and invert dough into pot so that the seam side is up. If desired, score loaf. Cover pot and return to oven. Bake at 450 deg F for 30-40 minutes. Remove cover from Dutch Oven and continue baking at 450 deg F for 10-20 minutes.
  • Allow a total of 50 minutes baking time. Removing the cover sooner allows the crust to darken more. 30/20 gives a dark crust, 35/15 a medium crust, and 40/10 a golden crust.
  • Remove Dutch Oven and test loaf by tapping on bottom. If it sounds hollow, the loaf is done. Remove loaf to cooling rack immediately, and allow to cool completely before cutting.