
  • 1/2 semi-sweet chocolate morsels pack, 6 oz
  • 1 1/4 cups crumbs Oreo, about 14 cookies
  • 3/4 cup walnuts
  • 7 ounces condensed milk
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/4 cup butter
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons brandy


  • In a pan, melt chocolate morsels and butter on low heat for about a minute or until completely melted. Stir occasionally. Remove from heat.
  • In a large bowl, mix Oreo crumbs (set aside a tablespoon or two) and walnuts. Add condensed milk, vanilla extract, and chocolate mixture. Add brandy and mix well. If you're feeling a little gutsy, add another half a tablespoon of brandy for a solid kick!
  • Line whatever container you want to put it in with foil or grease it with butter and sugar. Press the mixture firmly onto bottom of container. Garnish with Oreo crumbs on top.