Download Moroccan chicken - Poultry
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  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 4 chicken marylands, cut in half through the joint, or alternatively, use 8 drumsticks
  • 1 large onion, roughly chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, sliced
  • 1 teaspoon paprika
  • 1 teaspoon ground cumin
  • 1 teaspoon ground coriander
  • 1 teaspoon ground chilli
  • 400g tinned tomatoes, chopped
  • 1 preserved lemon*
  • 200g whole green olives
  • 400g tinned chickpeas
  • 2 tablespoons chopped coriander leaves
  • *Preserved lemons can be bought either in jars or individually at some supermarkets and also at good delis.


Heat the oil in a large pot and add half of the chicken pieces. Cook for a few minutes on high until brown all over and set aside on a plate. Repeat with the rest of the chicken then add the onion and garlic to the pot.

Turn the heat to low and cook for five minutes or until the onions have softened and are lightly golden.

Now add the spices, cook for a couple of minutes then add the tomatoes and chicken. Rinse the preserved lemon, discard the pith, chop the skin and add to the pot along with just enough water to almost cover the chicken.

Cover with a lid, turn the heat to low and simmer for 40 minutes. Stir every now and then, checking to see if there is enough liquid (add water if necessary). Now add the olives and drained chickpeas and cook for a further 10 minutes.

To serve 

Serve sprinkled with the chopped coriander and either steamed cous cous, rice or just crusty white bread.