
  • 100000 handfuls deliciousness
  • prosciutto
  • seaside rugged mature english cheddar
  • kewpie mayonnaise
  • toasted pine nuts
  • sweet baguette
  • arugula
  • baby bell peppers
  • persian cucumber
  • avocado
  • garlic gomasio
  • sea salt
  • cracked pepper
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • balsamic vinegar
  • lemon


  • Slice bread. On one half put mayo and raw pine nuts. On other half put prosciutto followed by grated cheese. Put both halves under broiler. Rinse Arugula/leave in colander to drain. Slice avo,cucumber, and bell peppers. Check on your sandwich halves. Assemble arugula, cucumber, bell pepper, and avo on plate. Check on your sandwich halves. Drizzle Salad with olive oil & vinegar. Sprinkle with sea salt, cracked pepper, & garlic gomasio. Squeeze a little lemon over it. Take your sandwich out if you haven't already. Pine nuts should be toasted, cheese should be melted. Assemble your sandwich. Eat!