Categories:Viewed: 62 - Published at: 3 years ago


  • 2 slices of country white bread, thickly sliced
  • 4 ounces chunked fresh lobster meat
  • 2 slices havarti cheese (I like the dill-havarti)
  • 1 tablespoon unsalted butter, to butter both sides of the bread


  • Butter both sides of each bread slice and place cheese-lobster-cheese on bread and make a sandwich.
  • Toast the sandwich (on the buttered side) until golden brown on both sides.
  • Place in a 400°F oven for a few minutes until cheese melts.
  • Allow to cool a minute, then enjoy!
  • *All the meat from a 1 1/4-pound lobster-ask your local fish market to steam the lobster and remove the meat for you! If fresh lobster is not available, you can substitute high-quality frozen lobster.