
  • 3 lbs (1.4 kg). to 4 lbs (1.8 kg). boneless, skinless chicken breast
  • 1 lb (.5 kg). linguine pasta, cooked
  • 1/2 cup (125 ml) peeled, sliced onion
  • 1 cup (225 ml) Shitake mushrooms, sliced
  • 1-1/2 cups (350 ml) broccoli, chopped
  • 2 cups (475 ml) chicken broth base
  • 2 cups (475 ml) Marsala wine
  • 1 cup (225 ml) flour
  • 1/4 tsp (1 ml). salt
  • 1/2 tsp (2 ml). pepper
  • 4 tbsp (60 ml) butter
  • 6 tbsp (90 ml) olive oil (approximate)


  • Slice chicken breast into strips approximately 2 inches by 4 to 5 inches long.
  • Pound down each piece with kitchen mallet until thin and flat.
  • Cook linguine as directed on package, set aside to drain and cool.
  • Steam all veggies together, set aside.
  • Toss chicken in flour salt and pepper mixture.
  • In butter and olive oil, fry chicken until lightly browned then set aside.
  • Combine half of broth and half of marsala in pan with vegetables, cook til just soft then set aside.
  • Combine remain broth and marsala and chicken, cook covered on simmer for 20 mins.
  • Drain marsala/broth mix from both chicken and vegetables.
  • Boil in pan with 2 tbsp (30 ml) flour to thicken.
  • Add all ingredients to pasta mixture, except chicken.
  • Serve chicken over pasta.