
  • 40 grams Granulated sugar
  • 30 ml Water
  • 40 ml Kirsch (if you don't have it, you can use rum or something else)
  • 4 Egg yolks
  • 80 grams to 100 ml Granulated sugar
  • 70 grams Cake flour
  • 400 ml Milk
  • 1 few drops Vanilla oil or beans
  • 20 ml Kirsch (may be omitted)
  • 200 grams Unsalted butter (brought to room temperature)
  • 2 Egg whites
  • 30 grams Mizuame starch based sweet syrup (sugar syrup)
  • 1 see Step 44 The ingredients may be omitted
  • 3 Whole egg
  • 90 grams Granulated sugar
  • 60 grams Cake flour
  • 60 grams Almond flour
  • 120 grams of cake flour If using just cake flour
  • 20 grams Unsalted (or salted) butter
  • 1 Strawberries
  • 1 Strawberry jam
  • 1 Nappage (apricot jam glaze) if available


  • Combine the almond flour and cake flour and sift.
  • Preheat the oven to 170C.
  • Beat the eggs in a double boiler until they have warmed a bit (about 40C) and thickened.
  • Once it has thickened, remove from the double boiler.
  • Keep beating until it returns to room temperature.
  • Don't worry too much about the exact temperature.
  • Use the hot water from Step 2 to melt the butter.
  • Remove from the water once it melts so that it doesn't get too hot.
  • Add all the sifted flour at once to Step 3 and fold with a spatula, scraping the bottom of the bowl.
  • When the powder has mostly been combined, it's ready.
  • Add the butter from Step 4 and mix until no lumps remain.
  • Don't mix too much or you'll remove too much air from the batter.
  • Line a cake mold with kitchen parchment paper and pour the batter into it.
  • Tap the sides to break up the large air bubbles.
  • If you can, use a 20 cm cake mold.
  • When you bake it, it will shrink a bit, so if you start with an 18 cm mold, it will be too small..
  • Bake at 170C for 30 minutes.
  • If you bake it in an 18 cm cake mold, bake for 5 additional minutes.
  • Remove from the cake mold, wrap with plastic wrap, and let cool.
  • Depending on how much it expands, it should be good for about 3 slices.
  • Combine the water and granulated sugar in a pot and turn on the heat.
  • Once the sugar has dissolved, add the Kirsch and let cool.
  • First, make the custard.
  • Combine the egg yolks, granulated sugar, cake flour, and milk (about 2 tablespoons) in a bowl.
  • Warm the remaining milk in a pot , then add to Step 13.
  • If using vanilla beans, remove from the pods and warm together with the milk.
  • If you can, strain the milk back into the pot, then heat over medium while continuously stirring.
  • Adjust the heat to keep it from burning!
  • It's ready when it has all thickened.
  • You now have stiff custard.
  • Add some vanilla oil and Kirsch if you like and let cool.
  • If you can, strain to make it smoother.
  • It's not necessary to chill the custard in the refrigerator.
  • You'll be mixing it together with the buttercream later, so it's best to leave it at room temperature.
  • Next, make the buttercream.
  • Bring the butter to room temperature and knead until creamy.
  • Beat the egg whites in a bowl.
  • Heat the mizuame in the microwave until it begins to bubble, then add it to the egg whites.
  • Keep beating as you add it!
  • Keep beating until you make a sturdy Italian meringue.
  • Add Step 20 to Step 18 a little at a time, mixing in each addition with an electric mixer.
  • It might seem like it will separate along the way, but keep beating until it's smooth.
  • Stir the cooled custard until smooth, then mix into Step 22.
  • Transfer to a pastry bag.
  • Place 2 slices (or 1) of the sponge cake into an 18 cm circular cake mold.
  • Brush the sponge cake with the syrup.
  • Top with a thin layer of Step 23's cream.
  • Cut some strawberries in half vertically and arrange around the outside of the cake.
  • Fill in the center with whole strawberries.
  • If you leave the very center open, it will be easier to cut.
  • Use the remaining cream to fill in the gaps between the strawberries.
  • It's easy to leave gaps, so be careful!
  • You can also probably fill the cake halfway up with the cream before arranging the whole strawberries in Step 25.
  • Add more cream to cover the strawberries, then smooth the surface.
  • This time, I had a shorter cake mold, so the tips kind of poked through.
  • If layering another layer of sponge cake on top, reserve a little bit of the cream to use on top of the final layer.
  • This time, I used a shortcake mold, so I only used one layer.
  • If you layer another layer as stated in Step 30, then spread the syrup on top of the spongecake, then spread cream on top.
  • Chill well in the refrigerator, then remove from the cake mold.
  • You can warm the sides of the cake mold with a warmed wrung-out towel to make it easier to take out.
  • Use a palette knife to lightly smooth the sides if needed.
  • This time, I mixed together strained strawberry jam and nappage.
  • You can also simply use strained jam if you like
  • If the color is too faint, you can add some food coloring dissolved in water.
  • If you're worried about it staying on the cake, wrap it tightly with plastic wrap before chilling.
  • Chill it well, then garnish as you like to finish!
  • You can decorate it like this after cutting if you like
  • When cutting, warm the knife a bit to get a clean cut.
  • By warming the knife with hot water between each cut, you'll also get rid of any bits of cream or strawberry that cling to the knife.
  • No matter how you cut it, it is full of strawberries.
  • If you have some leftover cream, try spreading it on the unused sponge cake.
  • It's really yummy.
  • To use up leftover sponge cake and egg whites, try my snowy white cheese cake at: .
  • You can also use any leftover strawberries and jam in this, so there's no waste!
  • Here's a roll cake version!
  • If you don't want leftover sponge cake, give this roll cake a try!
  • Roll up the strawberries and cream in your favorite roll cake, spread more cream on top, and chill.
  • Once chilled well, spread nappage or jam on top and it's ready.
  • Using a 30 x 30 cm roll cake, you won't have any leftover cream, either.
  • If you don't eat it all the same day and store it in the refrigerator, it will become dry and crumbly.
  • This would cause the meringue to become watery, but if you don't feel like you can eat all of it the same day, mix the butter with the custard as-is right after kneading it.
  • You can skip Steps 20~22 if you like.
  • In that case, adjust the sugar in the custard to 100 g.
  • Also, if you bring it to room temperature just before eating, the butter in the cream will become soft and delicious to eat.