
  • 1 package Spice Cake Mix (make Sure To Get The Kind Without Pudding), 15-18 Ounce Box
  • 1 package Jello Brand Vanilla Pudding Mix (4 Serving Size Box)
  • 4 whole Eggs (large)
  • 1/3 cups Vegetable Oil
  • 1 cup Water
  • 1 cup Carrots, Shredded
  • 8 ounces, weight Canned Crushed Pineapple, Well Drained
  • 1 cup Walnuts, Chopped
  • 8 ounces, weight Cream Cheese, Room Temperature
  • 8 ounces, weight Unsalted Butter, Room Temperature
  • 4 cups Powdered Sugar
  • 1 teaspoon Vanilla
  • 75 whole Chocolate Covered Pomegranates For Eyes


  • Preheat oven to the temperature recommended on your cake mix. Put paper liners into two 12-count muffin tins and set tins aside.
  • In the large bowl of your stand mixer mix together the cake mix, pudding mix, eggs, oil and water (use the amount of eggs, oil and water that your cake mix instructs). Beat on medium speed for 2 minutes. Fold in shredded carrots, pineapple and nuts.
  • Spoon batter into cupcake papers. Bake for 12 to 15 minutes or until done. Then remove pans from the oven and allow cupcakes to cool.
  • In a large bowl using a mixer, beat together cream cheese and butter. Sift powdered sugar into another bowl then slowly add it into the cream cheese and butter. Beat until fluffy. Mix in vanilla.
  • Spoon frosting into a pastry bag or zip bag (cut off one corner). Pipe a mound of frosting in the center of each cooled cupcake. Then pipe a spiral circle around the base of the frosting mound and push it out to the edge of the cupcake (see photo). Make the circles smaller as you go up. Pull the pastry bag away leaving a little "tail" at the very top.
  • Place pomegranate seeds or chocolate chips in the position of eyes and mouth.
  • Refrigerate until serving to keep the frosting from wilting.
  • Recipe inspired by Chef Sal Garcia.