
  • Olive oil
  • 2 or 3 smallish new potatoes, cut into 1/2-inch slices
  • Salt and freshly ground pepper
  • 6-ounce fillet of flounder, halibut, tilapia, salmon, or red snapper, or more if you want leftovers
  • About 1/3 medium zucchini, cut into julienne strips
  • 1/2 medium carrot, peeled and cut into very thin julienne strips
  • 1 scallion, white and tender green, cut into lengthwise strips
  • 3 slices fresh ginger approximately the size of 25-cent pieces, peeled and cut into julienne strips
  • A splash of white wine
  • A sprinkling of fresh herbs, if available (such as parsley, chives, tarragon, or summer savory)


  • Preheat the oven to 425.
  • Oil lightly the center of your Silpat mat set on a baking sheet, or, if you dont have the mat, oil a piece of foil.
  • Scatter the potato slices over the oiled area, then turn them.
  • Salt and pepper lightly.
  • Roast in the preheated oven for 10 minutes, turning once.
  • Meanwhile, cut off an 18-inch piece of parchment paper, and fold it in half.
  • Open it up, and on one half place the fish alongside the folded edge, after salting and peppering it on both sides (see illustrations on preceding page and opposite).
  • Pile the zucchini, carrot, scallion, and ginger on top of the fish, salt again lightly, and splash on enough wine to bathe the fillet(s) lightly.
  • After the potato slices have had their 10-minute pre-roasting, arrange them on top or around the edge of the fish and sprinkle the herbs over all.
  • Fold the other half of the parchment over, then fold in the open edge twice, and pleat it all around to make a semicircular airtight package.
  • If it tends to open up where the folded edges meet, secure that place with a binder clip or a large paper clip.
  • Place on the sheet pan, and bake for 12 minutes.
  • If you have a fairly thick fillet, you may need to bake it 1 or 2 minutes more.
  • Test with a skewer; if it goes in easily, the fish is done.
  • Plunk the whole parchment package on a big dinner plate, and enjoy.
  • You can make a delicious salad with the remaining fish.
  • Arrange a bed of watercress or young arugula leaves on a salad plate, and set the fish on top.
  • Spoon 2 or 3 tablespoons of Sauce Gribiche over it (see page 160), or, if you dont have that handy, use about 2 tablespoons mayonnaise thinned and tarted up with a little plain yogurt or lemon juice and seasoned with a small, finely chopped cornichon (or part of a dill pickle) and 1/2 teaspoon capers.
  • Garnish with some strips of roasted red pepperyour own (see page 242) or from a jara few black olives, and some cherry tomatoes.
  • Or try the Fish Salad recipe on page 157.
  • These are just suggestions.
  • Use your imagination, based on what you may have on hand.