
  • 1/2 Onion
  • 1 clove Garlic
  • 100 ml Panko (fresh if possible)
  • 100 ml Soy milk or milk
  • 1 Egg
  • 1 tsp Krazy Salt or regular salt
  • 1 dash Coarsely ground black pepper
  • 1 dash Pepper (the regular finely ground type)
  • 1 dash if you have it Nutmeg
  • 300 grams Mixed ground meat (beef and pork)
  • 1 tbsp Oil for pan frying
  • 200 ml Red wine (+ water if needed)
  • 50 ml Japanese Worcestershire-style "chuunou" sauce
  • 30 ml Ketchup


  • Chop the garlic and onion finely, and saute them lightly in a frying pan.
  • (Don't add oil to the pan.)
  • You can microwave them instead if you like.
  • Combine the ingredients in a bowl.
  • I recommend using both coarse grind and regular grind black pepper together.
  • If you use regular salt rather than seasoned salt, use a bit less than indicated.
  • When the onion and garlic from Step 1 has cooled down, combine with the Step 2 mixture.
  • Add the ground meat...(choose ground meat that's pink instead of red.
  • Although you don't need to get too hung up on this.)
  • Mix and knead well!
  • Do this by hand, ok?
  • It's loose but don't worry!
  • Rest the mixtured for several hours in the refrigerator.
  • The pate will stiffen up.
  • Take it out of the refrigerator - wow!
  • It's become a lot stiffer!
  • Form into patties, and let's cook them in a frying pan!
  • Brown them on both sides over high-medium heat, then cook on both sides over low heat.
  • You may want to refer to "A Hamburger Chef Teaches You How to Pan Fry Hamburgers" -.
  • This time we are going to braise the hamburgers though so they aren't pan-fried to the end!
  • You're worried if the hamburgers are cooked through right?
  • I can tell by touching them, but there's another method.
  • Wipe the fat out of the pan with paper towels here.
  • You don't have to do it though!
  • So here's that alternate method to cook the hamburgers through for beginners!
  • We'll just steam-cook them!
  • Add the ingredients and let's steam-cook!
  • You can add some parboiled vegetables here too!
  • When the liquid in the frying pan comes to a boil, turn the heat down to low, cover the pan with a lid and simmer.
  • After about 5 minutes, remove the lid.
  • Shake the pan and reduce the sauce!
  • Spoon the sauce over the hamburgers as you do this...
  • When the sauce has thickened it's good.
  • It will become this shiny!
  • If you poke one of the hamburgers with a toothpick to check if it's cooked through, the juices will come bursting out!
  • So don't poke!
  • I used some grilled vegetables as garnish.
  • Warm the serving plates in advance of course!
  • Do this in the microwave, or on top of a pot of boiling water or something!
  • Glazed carrots to serve on the side are a must, right?
  • See my recipe for easy glazed carrots -!
  • Serve on a plate...
  • ..and spoon on some sauce!
  • (If the red wine is sour, the sauce will be sour too.
  • Please add sugar to adjust if needed.)
  • Draw a picture on your hamburgers with coffee cream!
  • Voila!
  • Enjoy!
  • The juices will come flooding out!
  • When you cut the hamburgers, try pressing down on them!
  • The juices will come flooding out!
  • For tofu hamburgers without anything extra in them, see.
  • How about some garlic rice or buttered rice to go with your hamburgers?.
  • Mix the meat juices with the rice!
  • If you cook the hamburgers en papillote (wrapped in parchment paper), they will be even juicier.
  • See my recipe for tofu hamburgers -.
  • You can just serve the hamburgers simply with grated daikon radish and soy sauce instead of making a sauce!