
  • 1 cup dandelion greens
  • 2 pints water
  • 1 onion, peeled and minced
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 150 ml whipping cream
  • salt and pepper
  • dandelion flowers, to garnish


  • Saute the minced onion in the butter in the bottom of the pan in which you are going to cook the soup. The onion should be just tender but not browned.
  • When ready, throw in the washed dandelion leaves and pour in the water, and bring to the boil.
  • Season with salt and black pepper, stir well then lower the heat and simmer until the leaves are disintegrating into the liquid.
  • While this is cooking, beat together the egg yolks with the cream.
  • Remove the soup from the heat when ready so as to bring it off the boil, and leave it for a short time before adding the beaten egg and cream mixture so that it does not curdle.
  • Stirring all the time, replace the pan over the lowest heat setting and simmer until the mixture thickens. When it has thickened to a smooth, creamy consistency, it is ready.
  • Remove petals from Dandelion flowers and usethe petals to garnish.