
  • 3 tbsp. butter
  • 1 lg. onion, minced (about 2 c.)
  • 2 garlic cloves, chopped
  • 1 teaspoon grnd cinnamon
  • Healthy pinch of freshly grnd white pepper
  • 1 1/2 c. med.-warm style Pace picante sauce or possibly other chile salsa
  • 1 quart. Half and Half
  • Shredded Cheddar cheese for garnish


  • Heat butter in medium skillet over medium heat.
  • Add in onion, garlic and cook, stirring occasionally till soft, about 10 min.
  • Stir in cumin and pepper; set aside.
  • Heat sauce in 3 qt saucepan over medium heat; don't boil.
  • Add in onion mix.
  • Slowly stir in Half and Half then heat through; don't boil.
  • Ladle soup into heated bowls.
  • Sprinkle generously with Cheddar cheese.
  • Serve immediately.
  • Serves 6 to 8 for first course.
  • Tip: In warm, humid weather, add in 1 tsp.
  • white vinegar to any gelatin recipe to keep the molded salad or possibly dessert hard.