
  • 160 grams Bread flour (I used the Haruyutaka brand blend)
  • 40 grams Cake flour (Dolce)
  • 20 grams Brown sugar
  • 2 grams Salt
  • 60 grams Homemade natural yeast starter
  • 2 grams Instant coffee
  • 100 grams Milk
  • 30 grams Egg (Medium)
  • 20 grams Unsalted butter
  • 30 grams Unsalted butter
  • 30 grams Sudakito sugar
  • 1 tbsp Water
  • 2 grams Instant coffee
  • 20 grams Almonds
  • 2 grams Yeast
  • 145 grams Milk


  • Mix the ingredients and combine with the dry ingredients.
  • Let the dough rise.
  • Round off the dough again, and let rest for another 20 minutes.
  • To make the coffee syrup, melt the butter and sugar in a saucepan over a low heat.
  • Combine the ingredients and add the mixture into the saucepan.
  • Add in the almonds (I used diced almonds, but it can be any type of almonds).
  • Divide the dough into about 30 balls.
  • Each should weigh about 15 g but really, they only need to be roughly divided.
  • Dip the dough balls in the syrup made in Step 3.
  • Place them in the greased gugelhupf mold.
  • Melt the syrup again if it turns solid.
  • Pour the remaining syrup over the dough balls.
  • Using my 15 cm mold, I could make another small monkey bread with leftover dough balls.
  • But I personally think 18 cm would be just the right size.
  • Let the dough rise for a second time.
  • Bake in an oven preheated to 200C for about 30 minutes.
  • If necesary, cover with foil to avoid burning the top of the bread.
  • 12 cm monkey bread.
  • Small ones are cute, too.