
  • 1/4 cup Arborio rice
  • 2 cups water
  • 2 1/2 cups organic milk
  • 3/4 cup coconut milk
  • 2 tablespoons maple syrup
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cardamom
  • Pinch of sea salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon orange zest
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 1/4 cup raisins or currants (optional)
  • Dried Fruit Compote (page 183), Blueberry Compote (page 185), or Seasonal Stewed Fruit (page 184), for serving


  • Combine the rice and water in a heavy bottomed saucepan and bring to a boil.
  • Lower the heat and simmer gently, uncovered, for 10 minutes.
  • Drain the rice, rinse the saucepan, then put the milk, coconut milk, maple syrup, cardamom, and salt in the saucepan and bring to a boil.
  • Stir in the rice, turn down the heat to medium-low, and simmer gently, stirring occasionally for about 30 minutes; during the last 10 minutes of cooking, stir more frequently to prevent sticking or scorching.
  • The pudding is done when the rice is tender and starts to stick to the bottom of the pan and the pudding has the consistency of loose oatmeal.
  • It will thicken as it cools.
  • Remove from the heat and stir in the orange zest, vanilla, and raisins.
  • Transfer to a heatproof bowl or serving dish and serve warm or chilled.
  • If youre serving it chilled and want to prevent a skin from forming, place a piece of parchment paper directly on the surface of the pudding and chill for at least 2 hours.
  • Top with compote just before serving.
  • To make a dairy-free version of this recipe, use 2 1/4 cups of soy milk or rice milk in place of the regular milk and increase the amount of coconut milk to 1 cup.
  • The dairy-free version will take about 5 minutes less to cook.
  • To increase the yum factor, and for a bit of crunch, sprinkle some toasted coconut or sliced almonds on top before serving.
  • Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for 3 to 5 days.
  • (per serving)
  • Calories: 455
  • Total Fat: 9.4g (7.2g saturated, 1.1g monounsaturated)
  • Carbohydrates: 84g
  • Protein: 7g
  • Fiber: 12g
  • Sodium: 177mg