
  • 16 ounces best quality semisweet chocolate
  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons garbanzo bean flour
  • 1 teaspoon hot water
  • 4 large eggs, separated
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons superfine sugar (you can whirl it in your food processor)
  • 1/8 teaspoon fine sea salt
  • Whipped cream for topping
  • Unsweetened cocoa for topping


  • Preheat oven to 425 degrees F. Grease the bottom (only) of an 8-inch springform pan. (Yes, it must be 8-inches.)
  • Melt chocolate and butter in the top of double boiler over simmering water. When melted, transfer into a bowl, and add flour, water, and blend well. Add egg yolks one at a time, beating after each addition.
  • Beat egg whites until very frothy. Add the sugar and continue beating until they are stiff and shiny, but not dry. Fold into the chocolate mixture.
  • Pour into pan and bake for 15 minutes, ONLY! The cake will look very undone in the center.
  • 4. Cool. Whip cream until soft peaks form. Spread a very thick layer over top of cake, smoothing with spatula. Shake unsweetened cocoa through a sieve over the whipped cream. Use a doily to make a design on the whipped cream if you wish. Cut the cake while cold, but let it stand at room temperature for about 15 minutes before serving.