Categories:Viewed: 16 - Published at: a year ago


  • 1 cup dark chocolate
  • 5/8 cup salted butter softened
  • 7 eggs
  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 6 1/2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder


  • Preheat oven to 210 degrees Celsius.
  • Grease and flour a pan 24 to 26 centimeters in diameter. (I divided the dough into two cake pans with each a 15 centimeter diameter)
  • Melt the chocolate in a bain-marie, then add the butter. Mix until you get a smooth and warm texture. Set aside.
  • Break the eggs, separating the whites from the yolks.
  • Whisk the egg yolks with 150 grams of granulated sugar until the mixture whitens. Pour the mixture into the melted chocolate. Stir in the cocoa powder, and mix.
  • Whisk the whites until stiff and foamy with the remaining granulated sugar. Incorporate them in three increments into the previous preparation while mixing gently.
  • Pour the batter into the pan (or pans) up to 1 centimeter from the top edge and bake for about 20-25 minutes. The center must remain moist.