Categories:Viewed: 46 - Published at: 3 years ago


  • 5 pounds bittersweet chocolate, tempered
  • 3 pounds white chocolate, tempered
  • Cocoa butter
  • Powdered food coloring, as desired


  • Draw the design you would like to make on a piece of paper.
  • Transfer the design to foam board and cut out the pieces.
  • It is helpful to construct a 3-D version of your centerpiece before you make it from chocolate.
  • You can make any design and any size you like.
  • My centerpiece design included a large moon with a flame and other flame pieces.
  • Then I made a total of 4 thin single flames and 4 thick double flame pieces.
  • The tallest flames I made were about 28 inches long with 3 progressively shorter flames.
  • Trace the foam board design onto the rubber mat and cut out the moon design to make the template.
  • Repeat to make the flame designs.
  • Make the moon design and the flames in dark chocolate: Place the rubber mat moon design cut out on a parchment paper lined surface.
  • Use a ladle to fill the cut out with chocolate.
  • Allow the chocolate to set.
  • When the chocolate has set, peel away the mat.
  • Repeat to make other flame pieces.
  • Make a base: Use flexible aluminum strips or cake ring to form a base.
  • The base I made was 10 inches in diameter.
  • Place it on a parchment paper lined surface.
  • Pour tempered dark chocolate inside the ring to form a 3/8-inch-thick layer.
  • When the chocolate has set, remove the ring and peel off the parchment paper.
  • Make the chocolate plate: Use an offset spatula to spread a 1/4-inch-thick layer of tempered dark chocolate over a 10-inch sheet of acetate.
  • Let the chocolate set slightly.
  • Use a paring knife to trace around an 8-inch cake circle.
  • When the chocolate is set, peel off the acetate.
  • Make the white chocolate moon design and the thin flames: Use the templates for the moon and flames as a guide and draw slightly thinner versions of these things onto acetate.
  • Cut out the acetate pieces.
  • Use an offset spatula to spread a 1/4-inch-thick layer of white chocolate over the acetate pieces.
  • When the chocolate has set, remove acetate from the chocolate piece and place each one on top of its existing dark version.
  • Use tempered chocolate to glue each 1 into place.
  • Use an airbursh to paint the white chocolate pieces red.
  • Make the chocolate flowers: Each flower consists of about 13 or more petals.
  • Some petals are about 3-inches long while others are about 4 inches long.
  • I used a lot of flower petals so I made my own petal templates.
  • To do this, I drew the shape of the petal at 1 end of a piece of plastic (like plastic from the side of a bucket) that was about 10 inches long and 5 inches wide.
  • Repeat to draw as many petals as will fit on the plastic.
  • Use an X-acto knife to cut out the petals.
  • Repeat to make another template for the 3-inch petals.
  • Place the template on a piece of parchment paper.
  • Use an offset spatula to spread a 1/8-inch-thick layer of tempered white chocolate over the template.
  • Let the chocolate set slightly.
  • Lift the template from the chocolate.
  • Place the parchment paper over a rolling pin to give the petals a slight curve.
  • You will need petals of varying degrees of curves.
  • Make as many petals as you will need to make as many flowers as your design requires.
  • Assemble the flowers: I used a plastic dome mold to give my flowers their final shape.
  • You could also use a small glass bowl.
  • Place a small dollop of white chocolate in the bottom of the mold.
  • Add petals resting the ends in the chocolate and the tops along the side of the bowl.
  • Add another layer.
  • Continue this process to make as big of a flower as you like.
  • I used the petals with the sharpest curve for the inside layer.
  • When the chocolate has set, pop the finished flower out of the mold.
  • Use an airbrush to paint the flower.
  • Assemble the centerpiece: Use tempered chocolate to adhere the moon design to the base.
  • Use more chocolate to adhere the flames to the base.
  • I glued 1 flame slightly behind the moon design piece and the other slightly in front of the piece.
  • Use more tempered chocolate to glue the flower to the base at the front.
  • Determine the points at which the chocolate plate will rest inside the base of the moon design.
  • Use a hot paring knife to create a 90-degree indentation on the inside of the moon.
  • To do this, heat the knife under very hot water and wipe it dry.
  • Hold the knife blade against the side of the chocolate where you want to make the cut.
  • Do not press on the knife or the chocolate will break.
  • Allow the heat of the knife to "cut" through the chocolate by melting it.
  • Create the same type of indentation on the plate where it will rest near the tip of the moon.
  • Balance the plate into the spot you have created using the tempered chocolate to glue it into place.
  • If you are using this as a dessert display, place any dessert that you have on the chocolate plate.
  • Chocolate Melter: Demarle New Jersey,
  • Chocolate Cold Spray: PCB in France 011 33 0388 587333
  • Foam board: any art supply store
  • Rubber mat material: hardware store