
  • 3 chicken leg quarters (4 if small)
  • several Tbsp minced garlic
  • 2 lg or 3 sm onions, chopped
  • flour (I use unbleached natural)
  • salt, pepper, rosemary, thyme, parsley
  • frozen mixed veggies (corn, peas, carrots)
  • can of green beans
  • 5 or 6 cups potatoes, cut into chunks
  • (ANY drop biscuit recipe, even if you want to use a natural version of bis-quick like stuff)
  • half cup shredded cheese
  • garlic powder
  • Parsley


  • Put chicken in roaster oven or stock pot and add enough water that it won't burn, but will just have enough to simmer. Put in half of onions and garlic. Cook until chicken is tender and skin has released it's fat. Pull chicken, and let cool until you can pick from the bones. While you do this, boil off the remaining water until basically the drippings and garlic and onion are left. Add flour to make a thick roux. Cook flour for a few minutes until it starts to turn light golden. Add several cups of water (you need a lot of gravy) and bring to a boil until gravy is thickened. It is ok if it is a little thin, as it will cook down with the veggies. Generously salt and pepper, and add rosemary, thyme, and parsley. Add potatoes, remaining garlic and onion, and the rest of the veggies. Cook until potatoes are just done and gravy is the right consistency. Preheat oven to 400 degrees while you prepare biscuits topping. This will not fit into one 9x13 pan so I recommend saving half in the freezer (no biscuits, use half a recipe and make more when you defrost it) or using two pans. If you don't you will have a massive mess like I did when it boils over in the oven. Take dry biscuit ingredients or mix and add cheese and seasonings. Finish making biscuit mix per recipe directions. Drop by spoonfuls across the top of the pot pie filling, covering as much of the top as you can. Bake in the oven until biscuits are cooked through and golden on top. It will take longer than normal because of the pot pie below.