
  • 2 cups Flour
  • 1 teaspoon Dry Mustard
  • 1 pinch Salt
  • 1 pinch Cayenne Pepper
  • 1-1/2 teaspoon Yeast
  • 1/2 teaspoons Honey
  • 2/3 cups Warm Water
  • 1/2 cups Grated Cheddar (or Other Favorite) Cheese
  • 2 Tablespoons Parmesan/Romano Cheese
  • _____
  • 1 whole Egg
  • Almonds (for Fangs)
  • Raisins (for Eyes)


  • Sift together flour, salt, mustard, cayenne. Add yeast and honey into warm water, mix and add to the sifted flour. Work together for about 5 minutes until combined. If it feels flaky and dry in the beginning, don't worry-just work it and it will become springy and workable after a couple of minutes.
  • Gradually add the cheeses. Once incorporated, split the dough into 6 pieces. Form each piece into a bunny, put on a floured baking sheet, cover with a dish towel and let rise for about an hour or until doubled in size.
  • Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Decorate the bunnies using rasins for eyes, almonds for fangs. The bunnies are much cuter without fangs, but if you like vampires or are going to see Banniculla, definitely add the almonds. Brush with egg wash (egg mixed with a little bit of water).
  • Bake for 20 minutes or until golden brown. The underside should sound hollow when tapped. Cool and enjoy.