
  • 2 whole Graham Cracker Sheets (about 1.25 Ounces)
  • 1 Tablespoon Unsalted Butter, melted
  • 1/4 teaspoons Cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon Sugar
  • Pinch Of Salt
  • _____
  • 6 ounces, weight Cream Cheese, Softened
  • 1/4 teaspoons Vanilla
  • 1/4 cups Sugar
  • 2 teaspoons Unbleached Flour
  • 1 whole Large Egg, At Room Temperature
  • 1/8 teaspoons Lemon Zest
  • Pinch Of Salt
  • _____
  • 1/2 whole Peeled Ripe Peach, Sliced Thinly
  • 2 teaspoons Texas Honey
  • 1 teaspoon Whiskey


  • First, preheat the oven to 350°. Lightly grease a 4 1/2" Springform pan with a non-flavored oil (such as canola). In a food processor, pulverize all crust ingredients. Press the mixture into the Springform pan. Use the bottom of a small shot glass to pack the crumbs into the bottom and up the sides of the pan. Pack firmly for best slicing results. Bake for 7-8 minutes, until fragrant and lightly browned. Remove the crust from the oven and reduce oven temperature to 300°.
  • With an electric mixer, beat the cream cheese, vanilla and sugar until combined. Add the flour and continue to beat. Next, add the egg, lemon zest and salt. Beat this mixture well, but do not purposefully over beat or you will add too much air to your cheesecake batter, causing it to crack as it cools. Pour the cheesecake mixture into the crust and bake for 38-40 minutes, until the center is slightly jiggly but not wet when you lightly touch it. At this point, leave the cheesecake in the oven, but turn the oven off and prop open the door. Let sit for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, move the cheesecake to a wire rack to cool another 30 minutes. Finally, run a knife around the edge of the pan, and then cover with plastic wrap before refrigerating the cake. All of these steps ensure that your cheesecake will not crack or deflate. Let the cheesecake chill 5 hours or overnight.
  • About 30 minutes before you plan to serve it, make the honey-ed peaches. Toss the peaches with the honey and whiskey. Let marinate for 30 minutes before pouring this mixture over the cheesecake. Unmold the cheesecake from the pan and serve with two forks.