Categories:Viewed: 91 - Published at: 8 years ago


  • 3 Eggs
  • 4 tsp Sugar
  • 1 just to make the faces Black sesame seeds, shio-kombu
  • 1 tsp Soy sauce
  • 2 tsp Dashi stock


  • Mix the eggs, sugar, soy sauce and dashi stock together, and make a tamagoyaki (rolled omelette).
  • Put it on a sushi mat lined with plastic wrap while still hot.
  • Put a pair of chopsticks (that are square shaped at the thick end if possible) on top of the tamagoyaki with the ends pointing in opposite ends.
  • The total thickness of the 2 chopsticks should be as even as possible.
  • Adjust the chopsticks so that they sink into the tamagoyaki.
  • Wrap the tamagoyaki with the sushi mat, secure with rubber bands and leave until cool.
  • If the tamagoyaki has become cat-shaped, they're good to go.
  • Cut into slices that are as thick as you want.
  • Make the eyes and nose with black sesame seeds and the mouth with a piece of shio-konbu.
  • Done!
  • Each one has a different expression!
  • They're even cuter with cheeks.
  • If you put three of these in a bento, it becomes really fun and colorful.
  • I tried turning the rather misshapen bits upright to make tadpoles.
  • The red color on these is umeboshi.
  • I used brown sugar in these, and they turned into tan colored kittens!