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  • 2 tablespoons oil
  • 4 rashers bacon, chopped
  • 250 g (8 oz) home-made or bought shortcrust pastry
  • 250 g (8 oz) home-made or bought puff pastry
  • 5 eggs, lightly beaten
  • 1/4 cup (60 ml/2 fl oz) cream
  • 1 egg, extra, lightly beaten


1. Lightly grease a 20 cm (8 inch) loose-based pie tin. Heat the oil in a frying pan. Add the bacon and cook over medium heat for a few minutes, or until lightly browned. Drain on paper towels and allow to cool slightly.

2. Roll out the shortcrust pastry between two sheets of baking paper until slightly larger than the tin. Place in the tin and roll a rolling pin over the tin to trim off any excess pastry. Refrigerate for 20 minutes. Preheat the oven to hot 210°C (415°F/Gas 6-7).

3. Line the pastry shell with a piece of baking paper and pour in some baking beads or uncooked rice. Bake for 10 minutes, then remove the paper and beads and cook for another 10 minutes, or until the pastry is dry and golden. Allow to cool.

4. Roll out the puff pastry between two sheets of baking paper to a circle large enough to cover the top of the pie. Arrange the bacon over the cooled pastry base and pour the combined egg and cream over the top. Cover the pie with the puff pastry and press on firmly to seal. Trim the pastry edges and decorate the top with shapes cut from the pastry scraps. Brush with the extra egg and bake for 30-35 minutes, or until the pastry is puffed and golden. Serve warm or at room temperature.