Categories:Viewed: 66 - Published at: 6 years ago


  • 350 grams Uncooked white rice
  • 200 grams Rice malt (dried)
  • 500 ml Boiling water


  • To prepare the rice: Put the rinsed rice in the rice cooker, then fill with water (not listed) up to the 2 cup line, then set on the "okayu" (rice porridge) mode.
  • To prepare the dried rice malt: Put the rice malt in a plastic bag, then break it up into pieces (It will be heated in boiling water later, so it doesn't need to be broken up too finely at this stage.)
  • After the rice from Step 1 finishes cooking, turn off the switch, stir up the porridge, and let sit for 10 minutes with the lid opened.
  • Cool until the porridge temperature reaches about 70C.
  • Mix in the rice malt from Step 2.
  • The overall temperature should then drop to about 55C.
  • [Preparing the hot water] Fill a pot with 300 ml of water, bring to a boil, then turn off the heat.
  • Add 200 ml water (which should then bring the temperature down to 65C).
  • Add the hot water from Step 4 to the rice cooker from Step 3 (to achieve a temperature of 57C).
  • Tip: The temperature should be 55-60C after combining everything.
  • [To maintain the right temperature for fermentation] Lay a towel over the opened rice cooker and switch on the "warming" function.
  • Once it starts to ferment, the temperature will rise, but not to worry.
  • It's ready after about 5 hours, when it has become sweet.
  • Mix twice during the fermentation.
  • If you're concerned about the lumpy texture, process with a hand mixer until smooth.
  • [Prepare for freezing] Pour the amazake into a resealable bag, lay it on a tray, then freeze.
  • Break off necessary amounts for use.
  • Try mixing it as a cocktail with shochu and soda water, or make amazake yogurt.
  • You could also use it as a sweetener when cooking.
  • Have a daikon radish and persimmon salad tossed with [Shio-koji and Amazake Dressing].
  • Or try this [All-Purpose Seasoning with Shio-Koji & Amazake].