
  • 1 ripe banana, peeled
  • 1 medium tart apple, peeled, cut into cubes
  • 4 strawberries, capped
  • 12 vanilla bean, split (or 1/2 tsp. pure vanilla extract)
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • 18 teaspoon cardamom
  • 12 cup fresh apple cider or 12 cup sparkling apple cider
  • 2 strawberries, untrimmed, split almost in half
  • 3 -5 ice cubes (optional)


  • Place the banana, cubed apple, and strawberries in a blender.
  • Scrape the inside of the vanilla bean into the blender, or add vanilla extract.
  • Add honey and cardamom and puree at high speed, while slowly adding the cider.
  • Add ice if you would like it really cold!
  • Pour into 2 champagne flutes and garnish glasses with split strawberries.