Category: whole beets
Learn whole beets - Recipes
  1. BorschtServes About 4 - whole beets

    Ingredients 1 can whole beets4 c. water1 whole onion, peeledsalt2 heaping Tbsp. sugar1/4 to 1/2 tsp. sour salt*Method*Found in the kosher food section of many supermarkets; lemon juice may also be used....Learn More
    whole beetswateronion
  2. Hot Beet Soup - soup stock

    Ingredients 2 to 3 qt. soup stock or cans beef broth1/2 c. sour cream1 can whole beets1 small onion1 to 2 Tbsp. lemon juiceMethodMake soup stock of either beef, lamb or ham bone; strain. Grate beets coarsely; a...Learn More
    soup stocksour creamwhole beets