Category: white sesame
Learn white sesame - Recipes
  1. Black And White Sesame Biscuits - cake flour

    Ingredients 80 g cake flour50 g white sesame50 g roasted walnuts20 g butter50 g caster sugar2 medium egg whites50 g black sesame1/8 teaspoon baking sodaMethodRoast white sesame in a non-sticky pan slightly. Shi...Learn More
    cake flourwhite sesamewalnuts
  2. Crispy Mizuna Salad with Plum-Mayonnaise Dressing - Mizuna

    Ingredients 200 grams Mizuna greens3 Umeboshi4 tbsp *Mayonnaise1 tsp *Sugar1/2 tbsp *Sesame oil1 tsp *Toasted white sesameMethodRemove the pits from the umeboshi and combine with the * ingredients.Cut the mizun...Learn More