Category: washing soda
Learn washing soda - Recipes
  1. Homemade Laundry Detergent Tabs - castille soap

    Ingredients 4 ounces bar castille soap1/4 cup baking soda1/2 cup washing soda1/4 cup salt1/4 - 1/2 cup white vinegar5 -10 drops essential oils (6 drops of lavender and 2 drops of tangerine or your personal pref...Learn More
    castille soapbaking sodawashing soda
  2. Dishwasher Tablets - Borax

    Ingredients 1 cup borax1 cup washing soda1/4 cup epsom saltsbottled lemon juiceMethodMix dry ingredients together very well; add enough lemon juice to make an even paste (approximately 4 tablespoons per cup of ...Learn More
    Boraxwashing sodaEpsom salts