Category: very ripe Plantains
Learn very ripe Plantains - Recipes
  1. Grilled Plantains - very ripe Plantains

    Ingredients 4 very ripe plantains, soft but not mushy (with blackened skins)Freshly ground black pepper to taste2 teaspoons ground cinnamonSalt to taste, optionalMethodGently roll the plantains back and forth a...Learn More
    very ripe Plantainsfreshly ground black pepperground cinnamon
  2. Baked Plantain Loaf - very ripe Plantains

    Ingredients 3 large very ripe plantains, peeled and cut into chunks2 teaspoons chili paste (shitor din or chilli sambal)8 ounces rice flour (250 g)salt, to taste2 fluid ounces corn oil (60 mL)2 teaspoons turmer...Learn More
    very ripe Plantainschili pasterice flour