Category: twist noodles
Learn twist noodles - Recipes
  1. Pizza Casserole - ground beef

    Ingredients 1 lb. ground beef1 lb. Italian sausage1 lb. twist noodles1 can pizza sauce2 family size cans tomato sauce1/2 lb. Mozzarella cheese1 onionMethodBrown beef and onion and lay in 9 x 13-inch pan.Add one...Learn More
    ground beefItalian sausagetwist noodles
  2. Pasta Salad - twist noodles

    Ingredients 1 pkg. twist noodles or seashell1 bottle Paul Newman's olive oil or vinaigrette dressingchopped onion, black olives, green pepper and tomatoes or anything you want to addParmesan or Romano cheeseMet...Learn More
    twist noodlesolive oilonion