Category: tomato cubes
Learn tomato cubes - Recipes
  1. Taco Casserole - ground beef

    Ingredients 1 lb. ground beef1 pkg. taco seasoning mix1 small jar taco sauce1 box taco shells, broken up2 c. taco or sharp cheese, shreddedsour creamchopped oniontomato cubesshredded lettuceshredded cheeseMetho...Learn More
    ground beeftaco seasoning mixtaco sauce
  2. Bean Pot - red onion

    Ingredients 1 red onion3 garlic cloves1/2 Spanish pepperHandful black olives1 teaspoon paprika2 teaspoons dried oregano1 tablespoon tomatopaste1 can tomato cubes250 gram pork sausages1 capsicum250 gram (soaked)...Learn More
    red oniongarlicpepper
  3. How To Cook With A Wow Pasta Primavera Recipe - black olives

    Ingredients Spaghetti 500grBroccolis florets 150grBlack olives 80gr (so seeds).Tomato cubes 4 pieces.Red/green bell pepper 1 pieceSliced white onions 1 piece cut in squaresChopped Garlic fine 2 clovesGrated Par...Learn More
    black olivestomato cubesred green bell pepper