Category: thai chili paste asian
Learn thai chili paste asian - Recipes
  1. Sea Bass with Citrus Couscous - olive oil

    Ingredients 1 tablespoon olive oil2 tablespoons parsley leaves chopped1 pound red onion cut lengthwise1 x salt and black pepper1 pinch coriander2 cups orange juice fresh1 dash sauce tabasco3 cups vegetable stoc...Learn More
    olive oilparsleyred onion
  2. Coconut Shrimp Surprise - vegetable oil

    Ingredients 1 tablespoon vegetable oil2 cups leeks or onion(s), thinly sliced1 can tomatoes coarsely chopped, liquid reserved3 tablespoons orange juice, concentrated undiluted1 tablespoon lemon juice1/4 cup min...Learn More
    vegetable oilleekstomatoes