Category: thai chili
Learn thai chili - Recipes
  1. Crispy Tofu Spring Rolls - Spring rolls

    Ingredients Spring Rollsvegetable oil for frying1/2 cup corn starchsalt & pepper1/2 block extra firm tofu, cut into strips12 sheets of rice paper1 bowl of water1 cup savoy cabbage, shredded1 medium carrot, ...Learn More
    Spring rollsvegetable oilcorn starch
  2. Vietnamese Lemongrass Beef Noodle Salad - beef flank

    Ingredients 16 ounces beef flank (cut against the grain)1/2 teaspoon garlic powder1 tablespoon oyster sauce1 teaspoon sugar1 tablespoon minced lemongrass (or fresh lemongrass)1 teaspoon chicken powder2 tablespo...Learn More
    beef flankgarlicoyster sauce